
I am not alone (A3)

Bonjour à tous! Ça va? Moi, je vais bien. Alors, voici peut-être mon dernier poste de 2007. Aujourd’hui, je suis un peu occupé parce que d’abord je dois faire mes bagages pour mon voyage à Akita car ma femme et moi y vont rendre visite à sa famille pour le Nouvel An. On y vont demain mais ce soir il y a une petite fête pour un ami, alors je devrais faire mes bagages à l’avance. Et puis, je dois acheter du ‘harasu’, c’est une partie de l’estomac du saumon. C’est un peu gras mais c’est très bon. Je dois en acheter pour mon beau-père. J’attends avec impatience d’y aller parce que là-bas on mange bien et on boit bien. En plus, j’adore voyager et comme vous voyez, c’est important de partir de temps en temps.

Et bien, mon morceau d’aujourd’hui. Et oui, je suis heureux de vous dire que c’est mon dixième morceau! Wow, c’est incroyable! En plus, aujourd’hui j’ai compléte pas un mais deux morceaux. Pourtant je vais en poster seulement un et de mon retour je posterai l’autre. Ces deux morceaux me plaisent beaucoup. Celui que j’ai posté aujourd’hui a été écrit l’année dernière si j’ai bonne mémoire, enfin la musique, mais ce matin j’ai écrit les paroles. J’ai eu l’idée pour les paroles du film ‘I am legend’, le nouveau film avec Will Smith. L’histoire a l’air très intéressante et je suis impatient de le voir. Mais il semble, mais c’est toujours pareil je crois, que le film est différent du roman. En fait le roman est plutôt vieux, mais je voudrais le lire aussi. J’aime bien particulairement les histoires avec les vampires. Bon, je vous laisse car comme je vous ai dit, j’ai des choses à faire. Bonne journée et bonne année! Qu’elle soit belle!


I am not alone
Music and lyrics: Alexander
December 2007

you always run always run from the past
you cannot stop cannot stop what you’ve done

we must fly away
we must fly away
we must find another way
to survive ... this

hold on I can save you all
I know it’s late, but there is still a way I know
That I’m not the only one, not the only one here
I will wait for you

Hello everyone, how are you? I am well. So here is my last post for 2007. Today I am a little busy because first, I have to pack for my trip to Akita because my wife and I will go there to visit her family for New Year’s. We are going tomorrow, but tonight there is a small party for a friend, so I should do my packing beforehand. Then I have to go and buy some ‘harasu’, a part of the stomach of the salmon. It’s a bit oily, but it’s really nice. I have to get some for my father-in-law. I’m looking forward to going there because there we can eat and drink many good things. Also, I really like traveling, and as you can agree, it’s important to get away sometimes.

Ok, so here is my song for today. I am also very happy to tell you that this is my tenth song! Unbelievable, eh? What’s more is that today I finished not one but two songs. However, I am only going to post one song now and I’ll post the other after I get back. I really like these two songs. The one that I’ve posted today was written last year, if I remember correctly, well actually only the music, this morning I wrote the words. I got the idea for the lyrics from the film ‘I am legend’, the new film with Will Smith. The story seems really interesting and I can’t wait to see it. It seems, as is often the case, that the film is different from the novel. Actually, the novel is rather old, but I would like to read it as well. I particularly like stories with vampires. OK, I have to go because as I told you earlier, I have some things to do today. Have a good day and a happy new year! May it be a great one!


P.S. 後で日本語を書きます。



Bonsoir à tous! J’espère que vous allez bien. Alors, seulement deux jours avant le Noël. Comme le temps passe vite. Cet après-midi je suis allé acheter des cadeaux de Noël pour ma femme. Je sais que c’est un peu tard, mais depuis longtemps je suis occupé de mes études et de mon travail, alors je n’ai pas eu le temps de le faire. Mais ne vous en faites pas parce que aujourd’hui j’ai pu trouver des cadeaux que je pense lui plaira.

Et bien, voici le nouveau morceau. Il est intitulé ‘Onuma’. Onuma est le nom d’un petit village près d’Hakodate. C’est très sympa et tranquille et en automne le paysage avec toutes ses couleurs est merveilleux. Si vous habitez au Japon, je vous conseille de visiter ce petit village. Ça en vaut la peine. Bon, je vous laisse mais je voudrais vous souhaiter un Joyeux Noel et au cas où je ne pourrais pas écrire pendant les vacances, une Bonne Année 2008! Bonne nuit!


Good evening everyone. I hope you are well. Only two days before Xmas. Time flies, doesn’t it? This afternoon I went Xmas shopping for my wife. I know it’s a bit late, but with work and studying I haven’t had the time to do it. But, don’t worry because today I was able to find some things that I think she will like.

And so, here is my new song. It’s called Onuma. Onuma is the name of a small village near Hakodate. It’s really nice and quite and in autumn, the scenery with all the colors is amazing. If you live in Japan, I recommend that you visit this place. It’s worth it. Well, I have to go, but I would like to wish you all a Merry Xmas, and in case I’m not able to write anything during the holidays, a Happy New Year, too. Good night!






we march

Salut! Ça va? Comme le temps passe vite! On est déjà dimanche. J’espère que vous allez bien. Moi, je pense que j’ai attrapé un rhume, car depuis jeudi j’ai mal au ventre. Mais aujourd’hui je me sens mieux.

Cet après-midi je voulais étudier un peu, alors je suis allé à la bibliothèque de Kyoikudai. Maintenant je lis un livre sur la motivation et l’apprentissage de l’anglais langue seconde. C’est intéressent mais parfois un peu difficile à comprendre à cause de certains vocabulaires techniques. Vers 4h30 je suis rentré. J’étais alle à l’université à vélo, mais à mon retour j’ai dû marcher à cause de la neige. Je vois souvent en hiver des gens prendre son vélo, mais moi, s’il y a de la neige sur le sol, je marche. Je ne sais vraiment pas comment ils peuvent le faire.

Et bien, ce soir je vous présente un autre morceau. Cette fois c’est un des morceaux que j’ai joué à mon premier concert à la salle de spectacle Aundo. Je crois que c’était le premier que j’avais joué. Ce morceau est intitulé ‘We march’. Pour ceux qui l’ont déjà écouté, je dois vous dire que cette version est un peu différente de l’original, mais j’espère que vous allez aimer. À bientôt!


Hello! How is everyone? Time flies, doesn’t it? It’s already Sunday. I hope you are doing well. I think I’ve caught a cold because since Thursday I’ve had an upset stomach. But today, I’m feeling better.

This afternoon I wanted to do some studying, so I went to kyoikudai. Right now I’m reading about motivation and second language learning. It’s really interesting but sometimes it can be difficult to understand because of the technical terms. Around 4:30, I came home. I had gone to the university on bike, but on my way home, I had to walk because of the snow. I often see people riding their bike in winter, but if there is snow on the ground, I walk. I really don’t know how they do it.

Well, this evening, I would like to present you with another song. This time, it’s one of the songs I played at the concert hall Aundo. I believe it was the first one I played. It’s called ‘We March’. For those of you who have heard it already, I have to tell you that it’s a little different from the original, but I hope you like it. Until next time, take care and have a good week.



それでは、新しい曲を紹介したいと思います。今回の曲は、あうん堂というところでやった初ライブで演奏した曲のひとつです。「We march」と言う曲ですが、ライブのときとは少し違います。でも聴いてください。おやすみなさい。



turn off the light

Bonjour à tous! Et oui, c’est dimanche, alors voici un autre morceau pour vous. Mais avant ça, j’espère que vous avez passé un bon week-end. Quant à moi, ce week-end s’est bien passé. Hier ma femme et moi, on est allés à Motomachi voir l’arbre de Noël. Pour ceux qui habitent à Hakodate, vous saviez que cet arbre vient chaque année de la ville d’Halifax qui est aussi la ville jumelée d’Hakodate? C’est vrai! Et oui, l’arbre était magnifique comme toujours. Après, on a mangé chez Nanbuzaka, un petit mais excellent izakaya peut-être moins connu, mais à mon avis l’un des meilleurs izakayas à Hakodate. Là-bas on peut goûter plusieurs sortes de bière étrangère. Moi, j’ai essayé une bière canadienne de la province de Québec, qui s’appelait Don de Dieu. C’était très bon et pas très cher.

Et maintenant, je vous présente mon morceau de la semaine. J’ai écrit la musique il y a longtemps mais à vrai dire, les paroles ont toujours été difficile à écrire, mais je pense que j’ai enfin écrit des paroles qui vont très bien avec la musique. Le thème, c’est l’amour. J’espère que celui-ci vous plaira aussi. Si c’est votre première fois, il y a aussi d’autres morceaux sur ce blog. Finalement, si vous voulez les paroles d’un morceau ou des morecaux, n’hésitez pas à me contacter. Bonne soirée et à bientôt!


Hello everyone! Well, it’s Sunday, so here is another song for you. But before that, I hope that you had a nice weekend. As for me, I had a nice weekend. Yesterday, my wife and I went to Motomachi to see the Xmas tree. For those of you who live in Hakodate, did you know that each year this tree comes from the city of Halifax which is also the sister city of Hakodate? It’s true! The tree was very beautiful as always. After, we ate at Nanbuzaka, a small, yet excellent izakaya that may not be well-known, but, in my opinion, is one of the best izakayas in Hakodate. At this Izakaya, you can try many types of foreign beer. I tried a Canadian beer called “Don de Dieu”, which means “Gift of God”. It’s made in the province of Quebec and is a very nice beer and not too expensive either.

So now, here is my song of the week. I wrote the music a long time ago, but honestly, it has been difficult to write the words. However, I think I have finally written some lyrics that goes well with the music. The theme is love. I hope that you will like this song as well. If this is your first time, there are also other songs on my blog. Finally, if you want the lyrics of a song or songs, don’t hesitate to contact me. Have a good evening and see you soon!


みんな、こんばんは!元気ですか?日曜日ですね。みんなはいい週末を過ごしたかな?私は楽しい週末を過ごしたよ。昨日は妻と一緒にイルミネーションを見に行って、それから、南部坂という居酒屋で夕食を食べた。みんなこの居酒屋を知っているかな?私は、この居酒屋は函館の一番いい店の一つだと思う。そこでは、いろいろな国のビールを飲むことができるんだけど、昨日飲んだカナダのケベック州の「ドン・ドュ デュウ」というビールがおいしかった!「ドン・ドュ デュウ」は「神様の贈り物」という意味です。ぜひ行ってみてください!




Ne t'en va pas.

Bonjour à tous! J’espère que vous allez bien. Alors, voici un autre morceau. Oui, je sais que j’ai posté hier, mais cet après-midi, je réenregistrais le morceau que j’avais posté hier quand j’ai eu envie d’enregistrer un autre morceau et voilà. Cette fois, c’est un morceau en français. La plupart de mes chansons sont en anglais mais de temps en temps j’essaie d’écrire des paroles en français. Bien que je les aie écrits sans penser à un thème en particulier, je dirais qu’il s’agit de perdre quelqu’un de spécial. C’est un peu triste, le thème, mais la mélodie me plaît depuis longtemps et finalement, c’est fini. J’espère que ça vous plaira autant que ça me plaît.

A bientôt,

Hello everyone! I hope you are doing well. So, here is another song. Yes, I know that I posted yesterday, but this afternoon I was re-recording the song I had posted yesterday when I felt like recording another song and well here it is. This time, it’s one of my French songs. Most of my songs are written in English, but sometimes I try to write in French. Although I wrote the words with no theme in mind, I would say that it’s about losing someone special. It’s a bit sad, the theme, but I’ve liked the melody for a long time now and finally it’s finished. I hope you like it as much as I do.

See you soon,



Bonjour à tous! Ça va? Moi, pas mal. Il est maintenant 7h00 du soir ici au Japon pour ceux qui habitent à l’étranger. Je viens d’enregistrer un nouveau morceau que j’ai écrit aujourd’hui. Je sais, si je continue comme ça, je ne pourrai jamais poster mes autres morceaux, mais de temps en temps une mélodie vient soudainement et il faut la saisir, sinon ça risque de disparaître. Contrairement à mes autres morceaux ici, celui m’a pris du temps pour l’enregistrer mais enfin, le voilà! C’est un peu plus court que les autres mais j’espère que ça vous plaira. Comme mon dernier morceau, celui-ci est aussi plutôt optimiste.A+


PS. Si vous voulez les paroles, donnez-moi votre email et je peux vous les envoyer. Merci!

Hi everyone! How are you? I’m alright. It’s now 7:00 in the evening here in Japan for those who live abroad. I just recorded a new song that I wrote today. I know, if I continue like this, I’ll never be able to post my other songs, but sometimes a melody pops into my head and I have to record it, if not I may lose it forever. Unlike my other songs here, this one took me a while to record, but finally here it is! It’s a little shorter than the others, but I hope you will like it. Like my last song, this one is also quite upbeat.


P.S. If you would like the lyrics to my songs, give me your email address and I can send them to you. Thanks!



Bonjour à tous! Ca va? Moi, pas mal. Alors, je n’ai pas beaucoup de temps mais comme je vous ai promis, voici un autre morceau. Ce morceau est un peu vieux. Je ne suis pas sûr quand je l’ai écrit mais peut-être c’était quand j’habitais à Kumamoto. La musique n’a pas beaucoup changé mais juste maintenant j’ai complètement changé les paroles. Ce morceau parle d’amitié et d’encouragement. La qualité n’est peut-être pas la meilleure, mais pour l’instant, le voilà!

Hi everyone! How are you? I’am alright. Well, I don’t have much time but like I promised, here is another song. This song is a bit old. I am not sure when I wrote it, but I think it was when I was in Kumamoto. The music hasn’t really changed, but just now I completely rewrote the lyrics. This song is about friendship and encouragement. The quality may not be the best but for now, here it is. Enjoy!




Bonjour à tous! Alors, je sais que j’ai écrit avant-hier, mais aujourd’hui, juste maintenant, je viens d’écrire un morceau que je trouve super sympa. C’est en anglais et son thème, c’est l’amour. C’est incroyable que je l’aie écrit en moins d’une heure! J’espère que vous aimerez!

A bientôt!

Hello everyone. Well, I know that I wrote two days ago, but today, just now, I finished a new song that I think is quite nice. It’s in English and the theme is love. It’s incredible that I wrote this in less than an hour. I hope you like it!

See you soon.


For the first time

Bonjour à tous! J’espère que vous allez bien et que votre week-end se passe très bien. Oui, cette fois je vais écrire un peu en français et puis en anglais. A l’avenir, j’essaierai d’écrire aussi en japonais. D’abord pour ceux qui habitent à Hakodate, je vous conseille d’essayer le ramen chez Ebisuken qui est près de la gare d’Hakodate. Le miso est très bon surtout avec du beurre. Ce week-end j’ai aussi bu un vin australien du millésime 2006. Je l’ai trouvé chez la supérette SevenEleven à 1000 yen mais c’était pas mal. Un vin de syrah, c’était un peu poivré avec un goût de mûre.

Et maintenant mon nouveau morceau. Je l’ai commencé il y a 8 jours à peu près. Les paroles, je les ai écrites ce matin. Je ne suis pas vraiment sûr de quoi il s’agit mais en pensant bien aux paroles, je dirais que ça s’agit de devoir prendre une grosse décision et de ne pas la regretter., J’espère que ça vous plaira!

Hello everyone! I hope you are doing well and that you are enjoying your weekend. It’s now Sunday here, so my weekend is almost over. On Friday my wife and I had some Australian wine. It was nice and the price was very reasonable. It was a 2006 Shiraz. My wife and I really like this variety because of its spicy flavor and full body. On Saturday we went downtown to do some shopping. For those who live in Hakodate, I recommend you go to Ebisuken, a ramen shop near the station. Their miso butter is great.

So it has been a week now since I posted my last song. This one I started writing about a week ago, I guess. I wrote all the words this morning. I’m not really sure what it’s about, but if I really think about the words, I would say that it’s about having to make a big decision and not regretting that decision. I hope you like it!



On y va

Hello everyone out there. Well, it definitely has been a while since my last post. Yes, I admit I have been a little lazy with regards to posting, but I only found out that blogger now has the video function. A few months ago I tried posting videos, but discovered that I couldn't, so I decided to put things on hold for a while. Since I use this blog as a journal for my music, and recently I haven't been playing, I haven't had really anything to post. But now, I can finally upload videos, so I will try to write more often. I also want to thank Scott for pointing out blogger's new function. Just in case you are wondering why I didn't try youtube or myspace, I really can't say why. Actually, I only joined myspace in the last couple of weeks. I posted one video there and then I found out about blogger, so here I am again. I will still post videos on myspace so that I can hopefully reach more people, but it is really amazing the number of people on these sites. Everyday more and more people are joining and even more people are posting material. It would be great to get noticed, but I'm not holding my breath. I am sure there are ways to get people to view your material, but I think I should focus first on uploading my songs and there are a lot.

Well, this song is one of my only songs in French. My first language is English, so for me writing in that language is much easier, but I think this song came out well. It is very simple as are the lyrics. I apologize if there are any mistakes. :) I think this song theme is encouragement. No matter what happens or what obstacles there are, go for it. I hope you enjoy it. Let me know what you think. If you like it, please pass it on to your friends. Until next time...



Acoustic Night 最高!

On Sunday April 22, I went to my friend, Yukio's live show. Yukio plays in the band After Novembers, but this night, he played alone. It was his first time, so he was nervous, but I think he did really well. I really liked his arpeggio stuff. It was definitely awesome to watch. That night there were four performers, Yukio included. All were soloists. Before Yukio was a guy called Kitaisamu from Tomakomai. Both Yukio and he played guitar. After them were two women, the first performer being Moka, who comes from Aomori and then Peach. They both play piano. I really liked both of them actually. Both play very well and sing even better. Peach's vocals I thought were especially cool being a little raspy and deep. I could definitely feel a jazz vibe there. She has been playing for about 5 years now, if I remember correctly. As for Moka, it was her first concert at Aundo. I am not sure how long she has been performing, but I thought she did very well. She looked very comfortable playing in public. I especially thought her cover of 'Loving you' was really good.

Overall, I really liked the atmosphere of Acoustic Night. After the show, I talked to Yukio about playing in the next one. It seems that Acoustic Night is held every two months. What I liked about the show was that there was a relaxed feeling. To be honest it reminded me a little of a coffee house in Canada, but with no coffee, just a lot of cigarette smoke, but for me that's not a problem. I also liked that I was able to hear everyone's vocals clearly, as opposed to my show where except for my set, the vocals were hard to hear due to the volume of the music.

Next month, Yukio and Moka will be playing at a pub called The Beats. I have to make sure I got the name right, but I hope that I will be able to go to that because I think it will be a good show.



Aundo: First show!

Hello everyone! For those of you who don't know me, my name is Andre. I decided to start this blog to mark the annversary if you will of my first live show. On Saturday April 14 I played at a small club here in Hakodate called Aundo. If you know the band Glay, it seems that they started here many years ago before hitting it big. Anyway, the concert, I think went well. In the weeks before the concert I advertised at the school were I work and in the end I sold around 40 tickets! Aundo is not a big club so 40 or 50 people is a really good number.

I played four songs with my friend Hayashi, or as people call him, Hayashi-kun. He is an awesome guitarist and is currently in two other bands, one called Yippee and the other My Penes, yeah I know, I won't go there either. Anyway the four songs we played were 'we march', 'for you good sir', 'it's always in the last place you look' and 'run out'. To be honest, I think I'm going to change the name of the last song. I think it doesn't fit so well. All of these songs I wrote myself, lyrics and music, but Hayashikun added some nice touches especially in the lead guitar department. I really liked what he did on 'run out', using a dropped-d tuning. Really cool.

Well, here are some pictures of the concert. I hope you like them. I really think the concert was a success for me in that it has started something that I definitely want to continue pursuing. It seems that the organiser of this concert, Mr. Honma, is quite interested in my music, so I think it is safe to say that I will be able to perform again. When exactly, I am not sure, but to be honest I would like to play maybe around August. That would give me some time to figure out what to do next. Also, doing this concert has introduced me to the music circle of Hakodate which I think can be very helpful for my future. From the practices to the actual concert, I feel I have learned a lot. I just hope that I won't forget anything.

Before I go, I just want to say a big thanks to everyone who came, Mr. Honma and especially Hayashikun. I look forward to playing with you again.
